Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Silent Night

As Christmas Holidays neared, the amount of free time I had coming up became larger and larger in my mind. I eventually believed I could achieve the creation of an entire feature length film. We finally hit Christmas break, and low and behold nearing the end of the last week, we have about 12 minutes of footage not likely to be used. I shall, from here, commencing with idea's in hopes that I shall spark intrigue in my heart.

James the main character, is played by me.
The Supporting Characters are Scott, Justin, Daniel and hopefully Simon. Also, likely Craig.
We are hoping to complete this by January 7th, so due to circumstances, we will be shortening the film to about 15 to 20 minutes, possibly shorter.
We will be using any one and everyone who would like to take part.

Fade from black, two teenage boys walking down a street.
Camera ahead of them rolling backwards as they walk.

Scott - Yeah sure, we'll be there in a sec
hangs up phone
James - You'll be fine bud just keep cool.
Scott - yeah, thanks. (Sarcasticly)
new angle
James - So which house is it?
Scott - Right up here.
new angle
James - Damn it it's cold!
Scott - Well we could have stayed at your Christmas Party.
James - Yeah, I'd love to have stayed and hang out with your mom.
Scott - dude, you're a perv...
James - laughs
new angle
Scott - Ok, this is it.